Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What To Do When Your Partner Cheats On You

What To Do When Your Partner Cheats On You
One of the most difficult things that any of us can expect to face is a partner doing the dirty on us. Should you find out that your boyfriend or girlfriend has been seeing someone else, you’re going to experience feelings of anger, jealously, and rage… But you need to calm yourself at this moment. Slow down, take a deep breath, and look at yourself, and what you are doing. The kinds of strong emotions you are going through can make you do rash things.

A lot of people would decide that the only thing to do is to end the relationship. But for others, presuming they still love their partner, they may feel that they can still rescue the relationship. So what must you do?

Another form of cheating is flirting with someone online. If this happens to you, then you may need to take a look at yourself and see if there is some kind of issue with your sweetheart, maybe some need of theirs that you are not fulfilling. Communication is the key for smaller indiscretions, which are nearly always not worth ending the relationship over.

You also need to take into account how your partner cheated on you, how bad it was. What if it was simply a kiss and a cozy up while they were drunk? No doubt this is still painful, but a lot of people would say this type of behavior could be let off.

The first step, no matter what you finally do, is to go to your partner and ask  why they did that to you. Once you understand the reason why they acted like this, it may help you to determine what your next decision will be. After you have discussed with them about the reasons why they did this to you, you should consider if you can ever trust them again. If that’s impossible, then it may be time to terminate the relationship for good.

However, if your lover had sex with their secret lover then this is a much more difficult problem, especially if it happened more than once. Chances are it will be very difficult to trust them ever again.

Ultimately, you have to go with whatever your heart tells you when your partner sees someone else. If your heart is telling you it’s only a small thing and you still feel you can trust your partner, then you must do everything to fix the problem and rescue your relationship. But if you feel the trust has disappeared, then it’s probably time to end things, for both of your sakes.

What Men Look For in Women

What Men Look For in Women
What is it that males look for in a partner? Girls have been trying to find the answer to this conundrum for years, without ever having much luck. Of course, every man is different, and your man especially. Still, as a rule, while they all have different feelings and needs, if you can offer him the following, he should be pretty damn charmed with you.

Someone exciting: Often the most important thing in any relationship is the fun factor. It’s the same for you too, correct? You require your guy to be fun and carefree. You need him to do things that surprise you. You want him to show you a fun time, and be original now and again, right? Sure you do. And it’s just the same for him. He wants a girl to show him a exciting time, just as badly as you do!

Good food: Let’s concede it, most guys are quite childish, and they want to be mothered from now and again. And one of the best (indeed, most important) ways to do it is to feed him. He wants good food, he wants to enjoy it with you, and ideally, he needs you to cook it!

Boost his ego: Men like to feel manly. They can be very self-confident, and so they want their woman to tell them how cool they are, how attractive they are, how strong they are, how good they make you feel. They need their ego boosting from time to time, and telling him what he would like to hear is the best way to go about it.

Great Sex: Of course, this is a given, but many ladies seem to ignore it anyway. But boys being guys, sex is at the very peak of their list. They want a woman who is going to go all out to please them in bed, not someone who just lays still and lets him get on with things. They need to see desire from their lover, and they would like to see it often!

Look great: Men want a partner who looks good, no denials about it. One of the fastest ways to turn off your guy is to stop trying. Slap on some lipstick, go shopping once in a while and get something sexy to put on, and then turn on the style just for him – he loves it!

Give him some space: Men being men, they also demand their free time. This means, leaving him do what he would like by himself (and trusting him!). He would like a woman who is okay to let him go to a football game now and again with his buddies, go out fishing or whatever it is that he likes doing. The majority of blokes cannot stand being with their girlfriends all the time, so give him some space – he’ll love you for it.

What Men Look for in a Relationship

What Men Look for in a Relationship
What is it that guys are looking for in a relationship? Many women seem to regard this is the million dollar question, and they can never seem to understand what their guys want from them. But this thought is totally wrong, and it’s just causing problems. In actual fact, many men are very simple creatures, and they want the same basic fundamentals in every relationship they enter.

Men want love. Yes, you may find that weird, but it’s true. Men want to love a woman, and they want her to care for him dearly in return. Many women actually find it hard to show their real feelings to their man, and so they come across as if they are not fussed too much either way. Show him how much you care and you’ll be surprised how hard he tries to keep onto you.

Men want a woman who is fun. Many women can seem snobbish at times, or too unapproachable, and this means that men discern that they have to be careful with them so that they don’t upset them. What they would enjoy more is a woman with a sense of humor, who isn’t too worried to sit there and have a laugh with his friends.

Here’s what men really look for in a relationship:

Men want a good looking woman. While some girls may despair at this, and accuse men of being shallow, men do have a point. Bear in mind that they are not all insisting on a catwalk model for a girlfriend. What they actually need is a woman who cares about her looks and is always willing to make an effort. Guys want a good-looking woman on their arm. It makes them feel proud.

Men deserve a girl they can trust. This may seem strange, but just think for a while. If you caught him flirting with another lady down the pub, wouldn’t you be angry? He will act exactly the same way if you did that. Let’s face it, just as many girls as men are disloyal and untrustworthy, and so many men are paranoid and get upset easily. So make him know he can trust you.

Men want a woman who knows how to be feminine. This means he wants a lady who is gentle, friendly, caring and well mannered. Of course, girls are quite within their rights to smoke, drink beer, burp and fart, this type of behavior is not at all attractive, and he by no means has to tolerate it!

Men want an adventurous girl in the bedroom. Men, in contrast to what you may hear, are not actually that adventurous in bed. The reason being, while of course they want to try new things, they think that the girl might be surprised or disgusted at his lust. So why not show some initiative and do something really wild next time you’re in the bed together? He’ll love you for it!

Three Keys To Healthy Relationships

Three Keys To Healthy Relationships
When you get married to the love of your life, you want it to last for eternity. With those eternal words “I do”, we yearnfor a long and heaalthy relationship.

This is a vital factor in any type of relationship, whether it is between co-workers, members in a sports team or a couple in a marriage; everyone needs to understand what the other person’s expectations of them are. This way, you can learn if the relationship is the right one to be in or not. Failure to reveal your expectations to your partner is sure to make problems, as they won’t know what they need to do to ensure you are happy.

Having been married for thirty years myself, while I am nocounselor, I do think I know a thing or two about couples. The following values, what I call the 3 keys to a enduring relationship, will be beneficial to any partners, no matter who they are.

The other plus point is that good communication reduces tension in a relationship. Problems should be dealt with together, ideas discussed as partners, decisions reached for both of your benefit. The only way to keep a lid on any tension is to make sure you discuss any important things that impact each other’s lives.

A lack of communication is one of the quickest ways to put distance between two lovers. Communication is vital in any relationship, since we need to know what’s going on in our lover’s lives, what their worries are, and their hopes. Communicating helps us to ascertain how we feel about each other, and it’s the only way we can show empathy and concern to our spouses. Through good communication, we can inspire our spouse, instill strength in them, and support them when dealing with their problems. This kind of support is vital for any strong relationship.

The second key to a happy relationship is expectation. If you don’t meet the expectations of your partner, the result is disappointment and potentially even disagreements. When you make time to communicate with your partner, be sure to talk about each other’s expectations.

Loyalty and Trust
Crucial in any relationship is being able to believe your lover, and to know they are beholden to you. You need to be positive that your partner is only going to act in your best interests when it comes to life’s important things. You also need to be the same for your lover.

What does loyalty say? It doesn’t mean remaining with your lover no matter what happens. Instead It’s about displaying how much you think of someone, to them and to others. The fastest way to complicate any relationship is to publicly criticize the person closest to you.

The Key To Obtaining Relationship Wisdom

The Key To Obtaining Relationship Wisdom
Don’t you wish you was much wiser when it came to relationships? How much more fun would your life be, if you were clued up on the opposite sex, knew what was troubling them when they have mood swings, and could make their day instantly?

Yep, we all wish that. We all would like to understand how relationships work, in order to make our lives and that of our partners better. We want a happy, hassle-free relationship, where the happy times far outweigh the bad times and where we always live happily ever after.

Now the problem is, men and women think very differently. Men and women have their own weird emotions, wants and needs that are unique to their sex. However, we also share many of the same desires, but it’s the unshared wants that can cause problems.

You have your negatives and your partner has theirs. In Addition, neither of you are as clever as you think. You can’t always be right, all of the time, even though you like to think so. Instead, the trick here is to identify your mate’s less than positive traits, see them for what they are, and discover how to live with them. This is what understanding is about.

But that’s not everything you need to know. There is another key skill required for any relationship to work, and that’s tolerance. We must remember that no one person is faultless, we all have our problems (though hopefully the positive points outweigh these), and the negatives will have to be tolerated.

To do that, you should improve your relationship wisdom. To get relationship wisdom, you have to understand how we think.

So for a woman wanting to gain relationship wisdom, she has to discover what men look for in a female. For men, they have to learn what it is that women desire.

Another key quality you need to last in your relationship and make it a success is diplomacy. Relationships must be 50/50. You cannot always have your way all of the time, and nor can your partner. Sometimes, you have to let them go wherever they want to go, even if it means you tagging along with them when you don’t want to. You need to let them ‘win’ the occasional debate, even if you feel they are wrong. Diplomacy is important for any relationship to work.

Finally, if you want further relationship wisdom, the best place to get it is in, believe it or not, magazines. You can read magazines, newspapers etc., almost all of them will have an agony aunt as well as a love section where people write to ask for advice. Reading these columns can really improve your relationship wisdom.

How to Boost Your Relationships

How to Boost Your Relationships
When the gloss in your relationship starts to dim, it’s time to do something, before things turn rotten. The problem is that most people don’t appreciate that good relationships don’t just occur out of thin air. They need have to be worked at. It takes a lot of effort for a couple to be blissfully happy and in love for ten years or more.

Don’t blame each other
One of the main problems when relationships go south is that the people in a relationship tend to blame the other person, or even worse, blame themselves. Stop this rubbish right now. The fact is, it takes two of you to tango, and if there is a issue with your relationship, it’s because of both of you.

Create time for each other
Aside from blaming anyone, you need to create time to rekindle things. Of course, both of you have tight schedules, but unless you can make time to see each other, for the two of you, things are unlikely to get better. Set some time aside, at least twice a week, when you and your other half can enjoy some special time together with no distractions.

Make more effort
One of the unfortunate facts of life is that partners, after spending a few years in a relationship, rarely make an effort when it comes to how they look. This can have a negative effect on any relationship. If the female doesn’t bother with her make up any more, he is going to notice – and the same applies if the man doesn’t bother changing from his work gear in the evening, or when he doesn’t shave. It looks like you don’t care – not very productive for a healthy relationship! So make an effort to smarten yourself up – you’ll be amazed how much of a difference it can make!

Spend time together
Socializing as a couple, with other people, is a great way to improve your relationship. Make sure you have a regular meeting with some old friends, either round yours, at their home, or somewhere else. Meeting old friends, you’ll have a good time and it will help you to feel youthful again!

Work on your love life
One of the main causes of relationship problems is due to the “sex factor”. It’s a well known fact that most married and/or long term couples do not have great sex lives. This can be a primary cause of relationship trouble, or it can happen as a result of these issues. Take action to add some energy to your loves lives, such as going out for a quiet meal to get you in the mood, or do something crazy to spice things up, such as using some sex toys, looking at x-movies etc etc. If it comes to it, you might  consider seeing a sex counselor. Sex is a vital part of any relationship, and if you don’t improve this then your problems will not go away.

How To Identify a Good Woman

How To Identify a Good Woman
So you can’t believe your luck - somehow you managed to score with an stunningly hot girl! She has all that you could want; she’s attractive, has a perfect looking face, a perfect shape, she’s amusing, she’s intelligent and caring – and she’s even great in the sack! You’ve been going out with her for several weeks and already you’re feeling this could be the one. At  last!

Is she showing interest in you? Does she ask you how your day was? Does she ask about your job/personal life, and ask the things you get up to? If she does, then that’s a good sign.

What to look for
The key to identifying a good woman is to know what to look for in a woman’s behavior. Quite simply, you have to get to know her and see how she treats you. A caring woman is going to be one who makes it obvious she cares about you – not someone who  cares about the money you have, or what a great time you show her. Sure, they all like money and they enjoy a good time, but chief concern should be interest in you.

How do you know she’s as good as she makes out? Surely, with a woman who’s this good looking, this perfect, this much fun to hang out with, she’s got to have many other suitors, right? If that’s the case, then there’s always a niggling doubt – how do you know she really loves you, and she isn’t just hoping to use you in some way? How can you be positive she is a ideal woman?

If she’s not asking about you, and more interested in where you will to take her later on, or worse, if she’s not speaking with you because you said you can’t take her anywhere tonight, then you could have a problem.

Again, if a woman always demands you to take her to expensive places, then you could have a problem. A good woman won’t expect you to escort her out night after night, and she won’t always request you to take her to the biggest places. A good woman will simply want to be with you.

Additional signs that a woman is one to keep include her not trying to change you, not being afraid to tell you that she loves being with you, going out of her way to make you happy, showing she cares for you in public, and living up to her promises.

If you can find a woman that possesses all of these qualities, you’re onto a winner!

How to Fight Fair in a Relationship

How to Fight Fair in a Relationship
So you might be asking yourself, why is it fine to fight dirty in sport or at school, but it’s not acceptable to fight like that in a relationship to get what you want? There’s a simple answer to that. Your lover is supposed to be your best friend, the love of your life – humiliating them or making them look stupid just isn’t on! If you do this, you’ll be putting this  relationship at risk. Just as there is a correct way to treat diseases (with drugs rather than a bullet), there’s a correct way to fight your corner in relationships.

Don’t back away from the fight! Acting like this is a coward’s response. Should you find yourself getting too emotional (which could lead you to say something you regret), instead of walking away, take a break for ten minutes, then resume the argument when you’ve thought carefully about how to demonstrate your point.

Don’t decieve or exaggerate to try and pin the fault on your partner. Complaining “you always do…” or “you never…” is not going to help things. It’s a blatant mistruth 99% of the time.

Now then, if you want to fight fair, you need to stick to the real reason why you are arguing. Obviously there’s a recent disagreement that’s caused you and your darling to fight. Stick to that! Don’t just go bringing up something they once did in the past (especially the case if you have already forgiven it), just because you are in the wrong!

First of all, you need to understand that it’s a good thing for relationships to be competitive. Disagreements now and again are a positive thing, so long as you both get the time to air your frustrations with the other and sort them out. Supposing one person gets what they want every day, that’s no good for other half – there must always be some give and take, and a few heated words are absolutely the best way to achieve that.

Also, remember that under no circumstances can you resort to physical abuse while arguing with your partner. The same goes for name calling, verbal abuse etc. Do not do it!

Learn to recognize when you are in the wrong. And don’t be shy to admit it.

Don’t go making  threats or demands to get your point across. The whole idea of fighting fair is that there is no winner and loser. Instead, the two of you need to agree on a compromise together. So making ultimatums or demands is not going to help you to reach that, is it?

Don’t attempt to read your lover’s mind. Don’t tell them, “you did it because…” or “you always say…” The fact is, this is nonsense. You never know what they think! Not ever! So why ask them instead? Try saying, “why did you…?”

Adhere to these rules (and it might be an idea to show them to your partner as well), and then any fights you have in your relationship will be sorted out far easier.

How to Date Sexy People

How to Date Sexy People
It’s a given that Sexy people own the world. Quite clearly, they have it all. Sexy women have tons of guys chasing after them, panting like puppies. Attractive men can have any woman they want, and for both – they have sex on tap, money is spent on them by admirers, they can have anything they want!

Most importantly, don’t hit on attractive people. Instead, pretend to avoid them. Better still, demonstrate interest in one of their less attractive friends, instead of paying them all the attention. Chances are, he or she will be mad at the rebuke and at the same time, intrigued. You also need to be brave. Beautiful people see timidness and intimidation all the time, so just relax.

You need to think differently to date beautifulsexy} people. They’re so used to being spoken to like royalty, what they need is for people to treat them like nobody special. So don’t offer them any compliments, don’t stare at them – play as if you’re not interested in how they look.

So is there any hope for the rest of us to date beautiful people when we don’t have the looks or loads of cash? Well actually, yes. You might just have a shot, so long as you are ready to follow my advice and change your dating strategy.

For the rest of us, the attraction of dating beautiful people is obvious. Having an sexy date boosts your social status. It boosts your sex appeal. Everyone else is jealous. And most of all, sexy people are just amazing to look at!

Another good idea is to never praise them. Attractive people are so used to being lavished compliments, these just go above their head. And if you absolutely have to compliment them, do so but immediately say something less encouraging to balance it out. For argument’s sake, if a girl is wearing a nice hat, tell her it’s awesome, but then follow up and say your cousin has one too. This tells her that she’s fashionable, but she isn’t original.

At this moment the beautiful person you love should be intrigued about you. So blow them out by saying something like, you’d like to see them, but they don’t meet your usual standards. Even better, you could decide|say|insist} it’s better if the two of you are just mates. This will make them work harder than ever to be with you.

Through no effort of their own, beautiful people have the kind of lifestyle us mortals can only dream of.

Everyone who isn’t beautiful is looking for something who is. And because these people receive constant attention from members of the opposite sex, they can be particularly picky about who they date. More often than not, they go for someone with wedge to burn.

You need to keep sexy people thinking. When you do finally see them, be over-friendly, but then follow this up by not phoning them for a few days. Or else, go on several dates, and then quickly blow them out. They’ll be stunned.

So you see what I’m getting at? It is possible to make attractive people chase you, but first of all you should make them interested.

Do You Suffer Bad Relationship Patterns?

Do You Suffer Bad Relationship Patterns?
Choosing our lovers, the whole process seems to go through stages. Firstly, we become aware of someone’s great looks, and their exciting personality (or vice versa). Next, what happens after is the discovery that we possess certain interests, principles etc., that are common to us. Next, we come to a state of mental arousal, where we begin to “click”, before finally, a more meaningful, psychological attachment develops.

Obsession: You believe that it is your own actions or words that drive your partner(s) away, but you remain certain that you can change things and change the object of your desires into the caring, loving person you desperately seek.

Conflict: Regardless of how you felt about your lover, deep down you always were aware that something wasn’t quite right about the relationship. You felt feelings of jealously, uncertainness, worry or stress because of the relationship you were in.

Feeling of loss: At the end of the relationship, you feel a sense of deep grief. Where you once felt a ‘connection’ with your partner, now there is only loneliness, regardless of how unpleasant or stressful that relationship was.

If you have bad relationship patterns, then I’m sure you’ll recognize these feelings:

Six Symptoms of Bad Relationship Patterns

Physical sensations: Something your partner says or does, results in a familiar physical sensation that is very uncomfortable, like a headache or an ill feeling in your stomach.

But for a number of us, things hardly ever go this cleanly. Instead, we experience what are known as ‘bad relationship patterns’, where we regularly begin relationships that start out full of promise, only for them to finish up in disappointment and broken hearts. If this sounds like you, if you experience bad relationship patterns, then you need to learn to recognize what the issues are. This is the only to escape from that constant cycle of heartbreak and sadness.

Repetitiveness: Lots of your relationships were full of promise and hope, only to abysmally fail later on. Even though the people involved are new, the ending always turns out the same.

Vulnerability: You have a deep-seated vulnerability; you are acutely conscious of your own self-esteem and as a result are always looking to ‘prove yourself’ to your partner.

If you suffer one or more of the symptoms mentioned above, and you struggle to forge long-lasting relationships, then you may have an issue with bad relationship patterns. So what can be done about this? Easy – you need to learn what your own psychological needs are. By learning about yourself, you will identify the forces at work that drive you into the arms of undesirable partners. Once this is known, you will quickly be able to get away from bad relationship patterns and into a  more enjoyable, loving relationship that you desire.