Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Do You Suffer Bad Relationship Patterns?

Do You Suffer Bad Relationship Patterns?
Choosing our lovers, the whole process seems to go through stages. Firstly, we become aware of someone’s great looks, and their exciting personality (or vice versa). Next, what happens after is the discovery that we possess certain interests, principles etc., that are common to us. Next, we come to a state of mental arousal, where we begin to “click”, before finally, a more meaningful, psychological attachment develops.

Obsession: You believe that it is your own actions or words that drive your partner(s) away, but you remain certain that you can change things and change the object of your desires into the caring, loving person you desperately seek.

Conflict: Regardless of how you felt about your lover, deep down you always were aware that something wasn’t quite right about the relationship. You felt feelings of jealously, uncertainness, worry or stress because of the relationship you were in.

Feeling of loss: At the end of the relationship, you feel a sense of deep grief. Where you once felt a ‘connection’ with your partner, now there is only loneliness, regardless of how unpleasant or stressful that relationship was.

If you have bad relationship patterns, then I’m sure you’ll recognize these feelings:

Six Symptoms of Bad Relationship Patterns

Physical sensations: Something your partner says or does, results in a familiar physical sensation that is very uncomfortable, like a headache or an ill feeling in your stomach.

But for a number of us, things hardly ever go this cleanly. Instead, we experience what are known as ‘bad relationship patterns’, where we regularly begin relationships that start out full of promise, only for them to finish up in disappointment and broken hearts. If this sounds like you, if you experience bad relationship patterns, then you need to learn to recognize what the issues are. This is the only to escape from that constant cycle of heartbreak and sadness.

Repetitiveness: Lots of your relationships were full of promise and hope, only to abysmally fail later on. Even though the people involved are new, the ending always turns out the same.

Vulnerability: You have a deep-seated vulnerability; you are acutely conscious of your own self-esteem and as a result are always looking to ‘prove yourself’ to your partner.

If you suffer one or more of the symptoms mentioned above, and you struggle to forge long-lasting relationships, then you may have an issue with bad relationship patterns. So what can be done about this? Easy – you need to learn what your own psychological needs are. By learning about yourself, you will identify the forces at work that drive you into the arms of undesirable partners. Once this is known, you will quickly be able to get away from bad relationship patterns and into a  more enjoyable, loving relationship that you desire.

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