Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Key To Obtaining Relationship Wisdom

The Key To Obtaining Relationship Wisdom
Don’t you wish you was much wiser when it came to relationships? How much more fun would your life be, if you were clued up on the opposite sex, knew what was troubling them when they have mood swings, and could make their day instantly?

Yep, we all wish that. We all would like to understand how relationships work, in order to make our lives and that of our partners better. We want a happy, hassle-free relationship, where the happy times far outweigh the bad times and where we always live happily ever after.

Now the problem is, men and women think very differently. Men and women have their own weird emotions, wants and needs that are unique to their sex. However, we also share many of the same desires, but it’s the unshared wants that can cause problems.

You have your negatives and your partner has theirs. In Addition, neither of you are as clever as you think. You can’t always be right, all of the time, even though you like to think so. Instead, the trick here is to identify your mate’s less than positive traits, see them for what they are, and discover how to live with them. This is what understanding is about.

But that’s not everything you need to know. There is another key skill required for any relationship to work, and that’s tolerance. We must remember that no one person is faultless, we all have our problems (though hopefully the positive points outweigh these), and the negatives will have to be tolerated.

To do that, you should improve your relationship wisdom. To get relationship wisdom, you have to understand how we think.

So for a woman wanting to gain relationship wisdom, she has to discover what men look for in a female. For men, they have to learn what it is that women desire.

Another key quality you need to last in your relationship and make it a success is diplomacy. Relationships must be 50/50. You cannot always have your way all of the time, and nor can your partner. Sometimes, you have to let them go wherever they want to go, even if it means you tagging along with them when you don’t want to. You need to let them ‘win’ the occasional debate, even if you feel they are wrong. Diplomacy is important for any relationship to work.

Finally, if you want further relationship wisdom, the best place to get it is in, believe it or not, magazines. You can read magazines, newspapers etc., almost all of them will have an agony aunt as well as a love section where people write to ask for advice. Reading these columns can really improve your relationship wisdom.

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