Wednesday, December 10, 2014

What To Do When Your Partner Cheats On You

What To Do When Your Partner Cheats On You
One of the most difficult things that any of us can expect to face is a partner doing the dirty on us. Should you find out that your boyfriend or girlfriend has been seeing someone else, you’re going to experience feelings of anger, jealously, and rage… But you need to calm yourself at this moment. Slow down, take a deep breath, and look at yourself, and what you are doing. The kinds of strong emotions you are going through can make you do rash things.

A lot of people would decide that the only thing to do is to end the relationship. But for others, presuming they still love their partner, they may feel that they can still rescue the relationship. So what must you do?

Another form of cheating is flirting with someone online. If this happens to you, then you may need to take a look at yourself and see if there is some kind of issue with your sweetheart, maybe some need of theirs that you are not fulfilling. Communication is the key for smaller indiscretions, which are nearly always not worth ending the relationship over.

You also need to take into account how your partner cheated on you, how bad it was. What if it was simply a kiss and a cozy up while they were drunk? No doubt this is still painful, but a lot of people would say this type of behavior could be let off.

The first step, no matter what you finally do, is to go to your partner and ask  why they did that to you. Once you understand the reason why they acted like this, it may help you to determine what your next decision will be. After you have discussed with them about the reasons why they did this to you, you should consider if you can ever trust them again. If that’s impossible, then it may be time to terminate the relationship for good.

However, if your lover had sex with their secret lover then this is a much more difficult problem, especially if it happened more than once. Chances are it will be very difficult to trust them ever again.

Ultimately, you have to go with whatever your heart tells you when your partner sees someone else. If your heart is telling you it’s only a small thing and you still feel you can trust your partner, then you must do everything to fix the problem and rescue your relationship. But if you feel the trust has disappeared, then it’s probably time to end things, for both of your sakes.

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